04. HTML5 Canvas Notes

HTML5 Canvas Info

The starting code for the Classic Arcade Game Clone project handles most of the drawing for you. The <canvas> element has already been created and the two-dimensional drawing context for the canvas element is available as the ctx object in the app.js file.

Drawing an Image

In the app.js file, you can see in the Enemy class. This class has a render() method that uses the ctx.drawImage() method. This method takes three parameters: an image, an x-coordinate, and a y-coordinate:

ctx.drawImage(Resources.get(this.sprite), this.x, this.y);

Available Images

In this example, the game engine has a Resources object that caches all of the images needed for the game so you don’t have to wait for them to load during gameplay. The images available to use are listed in engine.js:


There are many other images available with the starter code. If you want to use them in your game, all you need to do is include them in the array passed to the Resources.load() method in engine.js near the bottom of the file:


Expanding on the Existing Capabilities?

It’s unlikely that you’ll need any additional methods of the ctx object for the project. However, if you decide to add additional features to your game, you might want to incorporate some of these methods. If you do, the ctx object is a CanvasRenderingContext2D object. This documentation provides all of the methods that are available to that object.